TRPS Festival of Rock Posters 2013, poster by Frank Alan Bella

Our big event of the year, the TRPS Festival of Rock Posters, is set to go on Saturday October 19th. We’ll be back at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco for the biggest poster event of its kind anywhere, and this is shaping up to be another great show with a stellar lineup of poster artists and dealers.

For a long time we’ve discussed the idea of revamping our show admission protocols to reward current TRPS members and encourage more people to join. This year we’re making it happen, and here’s how it’s going to work.

10:00 – 11:00  Admission is $20 for non-TRPS members. Admission for members is $5 as usual, and your membership needs to be current. Please bring your card to show at the door. If your membership is expired or you’re a nonmember, you pay the full admission price at the door and we refund you the $15 difference by renewing or joining at the TRPS table. We encourage you to make sure your membership is current before the show to avoid the hassle. It’s easier than ever to join or renew on our website We’ve even got two new TRPS t-shirt designs to offer for the first time (by Alex Fischer and Art Chantry), and you can pick one as a membership premium.

11:00 – 3:00 Admission is $10 for non-TRPS members, and $5 for members. Just like always.

3:00 – 6:00  Admission is FREE to all. If being part of the early rush isn’t important to you, heck just come later when things have settled down a bit and get in for nothing. Hey, can’t beat that. Bring your friends and family!

The Hall of Flowers (Old County Fair Building) is just inside Golden Gate Park at the corner of Ninth and Lincoln in SF. Show hours are 10:00 am until 6:00 pm. Mark down Saturday October 19th, 2013 on your calendar. For any poster collector or fan, this is the one show you don’t want to miss.

Join the event now on Facebook.

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Artists & Vendors Lineup

Alexandra Fischer
Alex Pyromallis
Amazing Adventures – Sal Dicheira
Carolyn Ferris
Casey Castille
Chris Shaw
Chuck Sperry – Mike Storeim
Cliff Yamasaki
Dave Hunter
David Singer
Dennis Loren
Derek Johnson
EMEK of EmekStudios
Eric King
Frank Alan Bella
Gary Houston
Jason Austin
John Mavroudis
John Seabury
Josh Bempechat
Kris Mikkelson
Larry Freeman
Laserium at Chabot Space & Science Museum
Lee Conklin
Matt Leunig
Marq Spusta
Pat Ryan
Paul Getchell
Paul Imagine
Perry Pfeffer
Randy Tuten
Reggie Williams – Straight Theater
Ron Donovan
Santi Pozzi
SecretSerpents.comAlan Forbes, Junko Mizuno, Justin McNeal
SF Rockposters
Shane Edward Grogg
Sherwood Donahue
Stanley Mouse
Tea Lautrec Litho
Victor Moscoso
Wes Wilson



(note: Hall of Flowers has been renamed the San Francisco County Fair Building.)

[googlemap address=”County Fair Building 1199 9th Ave, San Francisco, California 94122″]

Festival of Rock Posters 2013 by Lee Conklin

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