Psycotic Pineapple at Bottom of the Hill on December 12, 2012

Artist and Musician John Seabury (aka Pyno­man) is rear­ing his ugly/beautiful head and re-convening the boys for a big show on Sun­day, December 9th at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco to cel­e­brate the long dreaded re-release of the 1980 “Where’s The Party” album, part of a skill­fully crafted lit­tle book chron­i­cling the infa­mous his­tory of the band. Beau­ti­fully designed by the irre­press­ible Sawmeis­ter Mr. Hugh Brown.

Psycotic Pineapple Book art by John Seabury

The entire orig­i­nal band is per­form­ing together, despite warn­ings to the contrary. The amaz­ing Dukes of Ham­burg will open the show, and the inim­itable Mr. Rus­sell Quan will be pre­sid­ing over the DJ booth. Doors open 7 p.m. Join the event on Facebook ALL AGES WELCOME! This is a great opportunity to get your book signed by the whole band!


Psycotic Pineapple Book Inside Cover art by John Seabury

Bottom of the Hill – 1233 17th Street SF

[googlemap address=”Bottom of the Hill 1233 17th Street  San Francisco, CA 941071″]

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