
Seattle rock-poster artist Scott McDougall has been working on Split Fountain Hieroglyphics since the 1980s, when he and fellow artist Art Chantry began photographing every Seattle-area psychedelic rock poster from the late 1960s they could get their hands on. Now, after decades of work and procrastination, Split Fountain Hieroglyphics: Psychedelic Concert Posters from the Seattle Area, 1966-1969 is a reality!

To celebrate, Scott and the book’s designer, Glen Beebe (that’s his poster of posters above) are holding a book-release party on September 23, 2015, from 5 to 8 pm at the Maritime Pacific Brewing Company’s Jolly Roger Taproom, 1111 NW Ballard Way, in Seattle. Scott and Glen will be there, of course, as will Art Chantry, who wrote the book’s foreword, and yours truly (I did a little editing).

In case you are not familiar with the project, Split Fountain Hieroglyphics features almost 200 high-quality reproductions of concert posters, flyers, handbills, and other printed advertisements from Seattle’s live-music scene in the second half of the 1960s. The majority of the artwork in the hardcover book (only 500 copies are being printed) has remained undocumented until now. In addition to essays by Scott and Art, the book includes interviews with artists Jacques Thorton Moitoret, Gary Eagle, and Chuck Trimble.

See you there!

One Response

  1. Thanks Ben! Your SO modest. In addition to the “little editing”, Ben also conducted the interviews and penned essays on the Piano Drop and Sky River! Glen, Ben & Art’s contributions turned this catalogue of poster art into a real book!

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