As anyone who has attended the Festival of Rock Posters at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park can tell you, it pays to arrive at the door with your TRPS membership up to date. That way, your entrance fee is only $10, compared to $40 for non-members during the all-important first hour (10am-11am), and $20 for non-members from 11am until 3pm—after 3, the show is free to all.
The deadline to renew your TRPS membership online, or to become a TRPS member for the first time, is Sunday October 15 by midnight. After that, we cannot guarantee that you will receive your new or updated membership card in time to use it at the Festival of Rock Posters on October 21. Sure, you can always renew or join at the TRPS table, but you will have to pay the full non-member price first to get into the show. Then, we will of course apply a portion of your non-member entry fee to the cost of your new or renewing membership, but renewing or joining now is obviously so much simpler, most importantly for you!
So, to recap, renew or purchase a membership by October 15, and we’ll see you on October 21.