
For our last TRPS Tease before the Festival of Rock Posters on Saturday, we pay homage to Tea Lautrec Litho, which printed posters for Bill Graham from June of 1967 through the 1970s. That means Levon Mosgofian and the other pressmen at Tea Lautrec worked with some of the best artists in rock, from Randy Tuten, Lee Conklin, and David Singer (top row, left to right) to Alton Kelley and Stanley Mouse, Mari Tepper, and Rick Griffin (bottom row, left to right). At center is the old Tea Lautrec Litho sign, which has been kept in storage all these year’s by Levon’s son Denis, who worked at the press briefly in the mid-1960s and then again from 1972 until 1982. Denis and his wife, Lori, will be at the Festival, so be sure to stop by their tables (covered with binders full of Tea Lautrec posters) and say hello!

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