Mark Henson
Mark Henson

Mark was born and raised in Northern California, and attended University there, receiving a degree in studio art in 1973. He has been a professional artist ever since, working with paint, metal, wood and computers. He has co-founded several gallery ventures, traveled extensively in Asia and elsewhere, and now operates Sacred Light Studio from his home out in the country north of San Francisco, and maintains a small artist’s retreat in Costa Rica.

Poster by Mark Henson

“My art tends to be somewhat narrative- I like to tell a story or show a state of emotion or consciousness with my images. I often begin with some sort of idea or theme. This theme might be suggested by anything at all, or may just drift into the consciousness  of  an artistic inspiration during my day. I am often asked if I receive these images while dreaming asleep. Sometimes they do come in dreams, but usually they are found floating around in my mind, just waiting to be noticed..
While I tend to be a down-to -earth person, when activating my creative energies I begin by looking deeply within myself, and seek to express what I may find waiting there. My sincere wish is to tap into the Divine Source of Being, to Consciousness, to Spirit, or whatever you may call it- that place where existence comes from, and to bring into visual reality images manifesting the knowledge revealed while in this presence. Strangely enough, I have discovered that the more intensely personal my vision is, the more widely it resonates when presented to the world.
I believe that art can have the ability to catalyze positive social and cultural changes. In addition to stimulating our visual cortex, Art has the amazing magical power to evoke profound emotional intensity as well as to provoke intellectual thinking. My aspiration as an artist is to create compelling images of beauty and power that serve to promote our Conscious Evolution as human beings, and to show us how to live in a peaceful world. To this end I like to present images exploring themes of Awakening Consciousness, Divine Sexuality, Political Realities and Living in Harmony with Nature.”

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