Dennis Loren to Rock Dearborn Music
On September 26, 2015, those who live in the greater Detroit area will want to head on over to Dearborn Music on Michigan Avenue. That’s the day Dennis Loren will be there, from 1 to 9 pm, signing posters and just hanging out. Dennis tells us that Dearborn Music is a great, neighborhood record store, […]
Split Fountain Hieroglyphics Book-Release Party
Seattle rock-poster artist Scott McDougall has been working on Split Fountain Hieroglyphics since the 1980s, when he and fellow artist Art Chantry began photographing every Seattle-area psychedelic rock poster from the late 1960s they could get their hands on. Now, after decades of work and procrastination, Split Fountain Hieroglyphics: Psychedelic Concert Posters from the Seattle […]
Art Laws and Outlaws: Legal Issues in Music Graphics
In honor of Labor Day, we thought it might be a good idea to post this presentation by Nels Jacobson titled “Art Laws and Outlaws: Legal Issues in Music Graphics.” Being a rock poster artist is tough enough, but Jacobson’s report, which was presented at SXSW earlier this year, reveals that it can also be […]
TRPS Festival of Rock Posters 2015
SAVE THE DATE for our annual Fall Classic, TRPS Festival of Rock Posters: confirmed for Saturday October 24th, 2015 at the San Francisco County Fair Building (aka Hall of Flowers) in beautiful Golden Gate Park. Stay tuned for the complete list of artists and vendors! In the meantime, join & share this event on Facebook […]
Outside Lands, the Paper Trail
In honor of Outside Lands this weekend in Golden Gate Park, we present just a few of the posters that have been produced for this amazing musical festival over the years.
Rock Art By The Bay behind us, Festival of Rock Posters up next
Thanks to everyone who came out for Rock Art By The Bay in San Rafael last weekend. Our next show is the TRPS Festival of Rock Posters on October 24, 2015, at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. See you there!