Varnish Fine Art presents Seditions: Frank Kozik and Winston Smith

Opening Reception Saturday February 2, 6-9pm The sedi­tious edi­tions in the show are works of “rebel­lious dis­or­der” that act as an intel­lec­tual call to arms to the pub­lic at large to stand against com­pla­cency. Each artist repur­poses the pop cul­tural zeit­geist of the 50’s post­war era with punk rock bones to cre­ate some­times com­plex some­times […]

Flatstock 25 By The Bay at Golden Gate Park

The Rock Poster Society (TRPS) is pleased to announce the rock poster art event of the summer. TRPS is teaming up with the American Poster Institute to present Flatstock 25 – By the Bay on Saturday July 10, 2010 at the Hall of Flowers in San Francisco’s beautiful Golden Gate Park. The show will run […]