bill-ham-lights-logoPainting DVD Reception and Party

Bill Ham will be hosting a Light Painting DVD Reception and Party on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 1002 Scott St in San Francisco, CA from 3pm – 9pm.

I appreciate the opportunity to show my work in such a splendid space. This allows me to display a good representation of a decade or so of my acrylic paintings on canvass as well as my recently released Light Painting DVD. The DVD is a composition of projected spontaneous imagery following fifty years of development.

I am particularly pleased to be able to share my work with this gathering of friends and guests. I would like to thank Mr. Sanguinetti for the use of the room. Also, I would like to give special thanks to Rob Schmitt, Kim Ito, Emi Ito, Kaishi Ito and Lawrence Lauterborn for generously giving their time and skills to bringing this exhibition to fruition. – Bill Ham

We hope to see you there!

Bill Ham DVD Painting Reception & Party


1002 Scott Street, San Francisco, CA

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