As everyone has no doubt heard by now, Coachella has been postponed until October. That decision may turn out to be nothing more than kicking the can down the road, but in the age of the Coronavirus, it may be the best anyone can do.
Still, what about the artists who were going to make posters for events like Coachella, or for Pearl Jam’s postponed North American spring tour, or for any number of other shows that may be about to be postponed as we write this? Well, just because your favorite music festival or band tour has been put on hold doesn’t mean you can’t keep collecting work by your favorite rock-poster artists.
In fact, now more than ever is the time to support your local rock-poster artist. You probably have all your favorite artists and dealers bookmarked, but if not, visit our Artists and Resources pages for links. And keep an eye out on social media for special sales and drops caused by cancellations of SXSW and other events. There’s got to be a few things on your wish list that you’ve put off, right? Now is the time for those of us who love rock posters and the artists who make this amazing work to step up!
Thanks, from your pals at TRPS.